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Summer Language Institute (Program, Location, excursions,courses,applications and more) Portuguese at KU (Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Course Offerings and  resources) Language and Cultural Resources (BP Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT), Self-Assessment, Exit test, Slide Show - see and listen (tour of Brazil) and more) Opportunities (Internships, voluntary work and more) Professor Simoes Website (Classes taught, resume, and more)
This Week in Brazil's History
Every week you see a different event in Brazil's history and culture on our front page. Here you can see our full list of events, in case you have missed one. Below each month you will find a list which contains the title or brief description of the events.


- New year's eve on Copacabana
- Sergio Porto
- Elis Regina
- São Paulo's anniversary


- Cândido Portinari
- Semana da arte moderna
- Color TV
- Carnaval


- Foundation of Rio de Janeiro
- Villa Lobos
- Castro Alves
- Four cities : Curitiba, Florianópolis, Salvador, Porto Alegre


- Lie Day
- Foundation of Fortaleza
- Native Brazilian day
- Tiradentes
- Discovery of Brazil (Pedro Alvares Cabral)


-Ayrton Senna
-Princess Isabel
-Jorge Amado (Gabriela)


-Treaty of Tordesilhas
-Dia dos Namorados
-Machado de Assis
-Festa Junina
-World Cup


- Cazuza
- Vinícius de Moraes
- Brazil x Uruguay (1950 World Cup)
- Santos Dumont
- Lampião


- Caetano Veloso
- Jorge Amado
- Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Paulo Coelho


- Tarsila do Amaral
- Independence day
- TV Tupi (first Brazilian TV channel)
- Saint Cosmian and Saint Damian


- Pelé
- Nossa Senhora de Aparecida
- Ziraldo
- Garrincha


- Cecília Meireles
- Brazil becomes a Republic
- Zumbi
- Cartola


- D. Pedro II
- Tom Jobim
- Olavo Bilac
- Chico Mendes



© 2003 Antônio R. M. Simões
Last updated: November 2nd, 2003
Comments, suggestions? E-mail us