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This Week in Brazil's History - June


On June 7th, 1494, the king of Portugal and the king and queen of Spain signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, which gave the rights of all lands discovered west of the line to Spain, while all land to its east would belong to Portugal.

'Dia dos Namorados' is Brazil's version of Valentine's Day, and is celebrated on June 12th

Writer Machado de Assis, born on June 21st, 1839, is recognized as the most important Brazilian writer of all time, giving a new meaning to the literature of the country. His works include Quincas Borba (1891) and Dom Casmurro (1900).

June is the month of the Festas Juninas, theme parties in honor of St. Anthony (on June 13th), St. John (June 24th) and St. Peter (June 29th). Some of the characteristic customs of these parties range from specific foods and drinks to the quadrilha dance, the forró music, the large bonfire at the center of the festivities, and the hillbilly costumes people wear.

On June 30, 2003, the Brazilian soccer team won its 5th World Cup (more than any other country) with a 2x0 score over Germany.

July >


                    Language Institute in Vitoria, Brazil© 2003 Antônio R. M. Simões
Last updated: July 7th, 2003
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