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Summer Language Institute (Program, Location, excursions,courses,applications and more) Portuguese at KU (Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Course Offerings and  resources) Language and Cultural Resources (BP Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT), Self-Assessment, Exit test, Slide Show - see and listen (tour of Brazil) and more) Opportunities (Internships, voluntary work and more) Professor Simoes Website (Classes taught, resume, and more)

Brazilian Portuguese Computerized Adaptive Test

The Brazilian Portuguese Computerized Adaptive Test was designed to measure a student's knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese in different areas of language knowledge, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening comprehension, grammar and culture. This test can also be used as an exit exam - that is, students can take it before and after taking a course of Brazilian Portuguese.

You will need to schedule this test by contacting professor Antônio Simões. This test can be taken at the University of Kansas language lab (after scheduling). If you would like to receive a copy of this test, please contact professor Antônio Simões. After doing so, you will need to choose whether you would like to download the test or receive it on a cd. In order to download it, please click here (you will need a password to do that). Note that you will need Microsoft Windows to run our test.

If you would like to see some sample questions, try to take our Brazilian Portuguese Sample CAT. You will need Macromedia Flash player to take the Sample CAT. Click here if you find any problems while taking the Sample CAT.

Please note that the questions on the Sample CAT were only based on the ones on the CAT, so you will not find the same questions on both tests. Also, because those are only sample questions, the Sample CAT is not an adaptive test, and its design might differ from the CAT's.

If you have already taken the BPCAT and want to convert your score, please fill in ALL the fields on the form below:

First Name:
Last Name:
Student I.D.:
* You can find the identifier on the sheet you received when you finished the test.

© 2003 Antônio R. M. Simões
Last updated: July 1st, 2003
Comments, suggestions? E-mail us