Logo Terra brasilisLanguage and Culture Resources - MPBR Title

MPBR, A brazilian flavor in the midwest. Listen now!

Welcome to the newest feature of the Terra brasilis website, the "Rádio MPB" ! To enjoy this radio, please note the following hardware and software requirements, and other observations:

1- Recommended Hardware: Pentium III (or higher), 64 MB of RAM, 10 Gigabytes of hard disk, and fast Intenet connection.

2- Required Software : Microsoft Windows 98 (or higher), Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (or higher) / or Netscape 7.0 (full installation, with all media players) and Microsoft Media Player. If you do not have Microsoft Media Player, you can download it here.

3- This radio is in its testing phase. If you experience problems, such as system slowdown, please restart your machine and send us an email. We are working on improving its performance and music variety.

Thank you for listening to" Rádio MPB: a Brazilian flavor in the midwest " and enjoy it !

Windows Media Player picture and link to start the radio.Please click here to listen to the radio now

We also recommend a visit to MPB FM, a radio station from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that broadcasts online 24hs.

© 2003 Antônio R. M. Simões
Last updated: July 3rd, 2003
Comments, suggestions? E-mail us