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This Week in Brazil's History - October


Pelé is probably the most famous Brazilian celebrity around the world. On October 1st, 1977, 77,691 fans saw Pelé play the last game of his career. He retired with 1,281 goals in 1,393 games.

On October 12th, Brazilians celebrate the holiday of Nossa Senhora de Aparecida, patron saint of Brazil. On this same date, families also celebrate Children’s Day by giving presents to the kids.

Cartoonist and writer Ziraldo created some of the most famous illustrated characters in Brazilian culture, from the very Brazilian Saci to the child hero Menino Maluquinho ('Little Crazy Boy'). He is also well known for his role in the satirical journalism that opposed Brazil's military dictatorship in the 60's.  Ziraldo was born on October 24th, 1932.

Garrincha is considered one of the best soccer players of all time. He was born on October 28th, 1983.

November >


                    Language Institute in Vitoria, Brazil© 2003 Antônio R. M. Simões
Last updated: November 2nd, 2003
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