Brazilian Portuguese Self Assessment Test For Visually Impaired


The CD you will receive contains the program that allows you to take the Brazilian Portuguese Self-Assessment test.



1) If you would like to send the test results to the program director, please make sure your Internet connection is enabled.

2) Please disable any screen readers, such as JAWS, etc.

3) Please insert the CD that contains the Brazilian Portuguese Self Assessment Test in the CD player. Make sure the sound speakers are turned on. After some seconds the test program will start by reading the opening screen.

PS: Most CD players are set to start playing a CD as soon as it is placed in the CD slot. If, however, the program does not start in 15 seconds, it is possible that your CD player is configured in a different manner. In that case, you will need to set it up tp be in the auto-run mode. Please try the following:

For Windows 2000, NT and XP:

1. Press Windows key or go to Start menu.

2. Go to Run.

3. Type regedit and press enter.

4. Locate and press space bar or enter in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\CDRom.

5. To enable automatic running, change the autorun value to 1.

6. Restart your computer and follow steps one and 2.


For older Windows Versions:


1. Open Control Panel, for that go to, Start menu, (Settings and choose Control Panel).

2. Enter onv System properties.

3. Select the Device Manager tab.

4. Enter on the CD ROM.

5. Right Click on your CD ROM drive with your mouse key pad.

6. Select Properties and enter on Settings tab.

7. Check the Auto insert notification check box with space bar.

8. Enter on CD, and then close. You will have to restart Windows for the change to take effect.


Enjoy the test! If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please contact professor Antônio R.M. Simões at


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